Saturday, April 16, 2016

Wokring with the Daily Aspect Grid

Hello Friends, we're going to begin working with the (Daily Aspect Grid), I'm very excited about this as this grid (and you will soon see) is highly sophisticated and holds a wealth of knowledge and insight if we just tap its potential!!
As we know it already "Personal Dynamics" is a combination of (advanced neurosciences, advanced psychology, quantum mechanics, universal process, metaphysics, spirituality and cosmic laws) which we use for "Personal Development".  This system may appear as "Rocket Science" and though it may seem complex it's rather elementary once we catch on to the basics.

The grid and its corresponding system is highly sophisticated and complex but working it will be simple.  It's a good idea to make a couple copies of the grid as we will be filling it in and making some adjustments and notations on it.

Understanding "HOW" some of these processes really work will be seen/realized/discovered in working with the (Daily Aspect Grid) and remember My Friends you DON'T have to be a rocket scientist to see this stuff and understand it, it's NOT complicated as you'll see soon enough!

Daily Aspect Grid
(Cornerstone or Foundation) 


This is what we are "attracting" through the "Law of Attraction", remember this is a "Cosmic Law" so it works whether you believe in it or not!!  For good, bad or indifferent situations, issues, challenges, etc you will continue too attract and manifest these scenarios, issues and people until you master the "Law of Attraction" and its principles.

This is the process through which we grow as souls, when we self actualize we grow, we learn, we expand.  

The actual "Center of Singularity" where stuff appears in our lives.  Remember friends it's not always (Physical Objects) or people...manifestations can be ANYTHING from that raise you've wanted to winning a prize in a contest, manifestations come in many forms!!

This is the process through which we grow it is applying the (tools),(techniques), (apps) and (principles and standards) of "Personal Dynamics"...remember this is physics in a nutshell and the more you understand the laws and how they work the more you master the physical world!!

This is the (Base Form) of the Daily Aspect Grid, it's based upon the principles of "Personal Dynamics" so as we reveal the various aspects of it and how it works, you'll SEE how this stuff forms in your own lives as long as you have awareness you CAN'T loose!

What's going on internally

The manifestations of our "Internal World"

Within the areas of (Attraction), (Actualization), (Manifestation) and (Transformation) we see (Inner Aspects) and in the (4) corner sections we see (Outer Aspects) close attention here because we're going to reveal HOW the stuff we're dealing with on the outside has a direct connection to what's going on on the inside and vice versa.  Outside affects inside and vice versa as we'll soon realize.

The (4) Realms or Quadrants are (Fire) = (Space), (Earth) = (Matter), (Air) = (Time) and (Water) = (Energy).

(Fire) = (Realms of Spirit) which transcend all space!!  
(Earth) = (Realms of Matter) which governs the physical world.  
(Air) = (Realms of Thought) which transcend the effects of time.  
(Water) = (Realms of Emotion) which is a manifestation of energy regardless of its polarization.
When we "Align" ourselves with something (regardless of the "right" or "wrong" of it) we may not realize it but the decision may be based upon our highest morals, ethics and values, but as we'll soon see what we align ourselves with often relates to a particular "issue" we are struggling with in our life be it (personal or otherwise) ie a family issue, financial issue, etc.

The more of our issues we see and realize (as we look at what we're aligning ourselves with) the more we'll see how to two correlate and are interrelated too each other!!

For Instance:

A client of mine had (aligned) herself to taking on the health industry, to address certain practices and procedures she had realized in the medical establishment.  As she soon realized this was a direct result of certain errors and issues she herself had experienced when dealing with the healthcare practices of her own doctor.  The cause was very dear to the client but as she struggled to bring not just awareness of these practices but change she noticed changes in her own health.  Initially this caused a lot of difficulties in her life, but as she created/effected change she soon began to see that the more change or awareness she created the better her own personal health became.

When we align ourselves with various causes, movements, etc there is often a direct manifestation in our life, learn to be aware and pay close attention to what's going on in your life.

In your "Personal Development" log, work book or journal do the following:

Jot down any (issues) personal, family or otherwise you or your family are struggling with, this would be (Column One) (Issues)

(Column Two) are what you (align) yourself with, it can be a cause or movement.  It doesn't have to be some grandiose cause necessarily it can be something as simple as dealing with that nosy neighbor of yours to the neighbors dog that doesn't stop barking at night.  Causes or movements we (align) ourselves can be small issues usually to the big stuff.


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