Friday, July 15, 2016

How to Become a Free Spirit (5) Steps to Becoming the Real You

1. You are “The Law”!

The “Old Paradigm” of the “Empire Builders” was one of “Dualism” which created separation, “YOU” as the “conqueror” were forced to fight everything, nature, your environment, animal life, women, your fellow man, it was you versus the world!

“Laws” were set by royalty and wealthy aristocrats setting a bar that if you did not have royal blood or were a rich aristocrat this made you a lowly serf which is still in operation today. Rich people and those who have a promising future as a “___________” an athlete, actor, banking, socialite, the list goes on those who can afford good lawyers are praised for their miss deeds and either get off scott free or receive a slap on the hand. The injustice of the justice system is a one sided coin where the poor have NO justice and the “wheels of justice” turn a blind eye to those who cannot pay!

You are the “Law” - What this means is that you “set the bar”, you DON'T go with the flow and are always against the grain of “Mainstream Societies” dictates! God created you human in his image, you are unique, special, a “diamond in the rough”, God does NOT set a bar based upon achievements, wealth, status or how many movies you've made, it is one of the heart and soul. Those of “caliber”, “character” and “heart” are the standard bearers of Gods call which is based upon what is engraved upon a heart and  expressed through a soul, NOT the dictates of society!

2. You are your own “Guru” -

In the ancient times as we were still “growing up” spiritually, prophets, teachers and gurus came unto the world to show men the way by “shining a light upon the path”.

With the creation of religion spiritual teachings became distorted as churches, temples and synagogues became more influential the teachings needed to be adopted and edited to suit the accords and needs of the institution and not the needs of mankind.

The need to have influence, sway, affect change in society, create programs and to have a political or social voice within our civilization our institutions needed the teachings to bring people under their wing and keep them to serve the institutions needs and not each other and the world.

But upon questioning the leaders of our institutions we realized they had become as corrupt as the very governments they were serving under, a “yoke” in another form from which one would serve under.

The actions of the institutions were questioned as enlightened individuals began to see the institutions were not in line with their teachings, men needed to seek the answers from within. Over time we realized there are those “Who Think” this is the form and representation of the “Old Paradigm” which is falling away and those "Who Know” which is the “New Paradigm” as there is a vast difference between “Thinking Something” and “Knowing It”!

A man who “thinks” he knows Gods way is a blind man he falls into the pit and those who follow him fall in with him!

A man who “Knows” God is a light among men, those who follow him DO Not need to 'covet his light” and be blinded for they have created their own light to shine into the world as we all should!

You Don't need a “Guru”, you are your own “Guru”!

3. You are Reborn and Renewed -

The way of the “Empire Builders” which is the “Old Paradigm” was one of competition and inequality = “separation”. When one is “reborn” they are in turn “renewed”, they have put off the “Old Man” of the world and put on the “New Man” as they are a new creation!

As a Free Spirit we do not claim to be something our actions show otherwise – we don't continue in our petty and petulant ways of jealousy, envy, greed, strife and materialism for we rise above this.

The Free Spirit sees and understands where “True Value” resides which is in oneself and in others. The “Gifts” of the world and everything that $$$ can buy has NO interest to the Free Spirit, it is what is growing, expanding and being nurtured within, the “Garden” a bloom filled with beauty, light and pure serenity which we see in those who grow the same type of garden.

We are quick to realize where we have error-ed and even quicker to NOT only forgive but to make amends.

We see the growth in others and praise them NOT just for their conquests but for their failures for we see the value in the growth and progress they have made, remember its about progress, NOT perfection!

We are grateful for what God shows us and are thankful for the “Gifts” and rewards bestowed by our “Higher Power” it's NOT about abundance as in MORE, MORE, MORE = “Getting” but abundance = “Giving” and “Be-ing”! A TRUE “Well Spring” of water quenches the thirst of NOT only himself but ALL who come to drink, NOT those who can pay or offer stuff in return!

We empower NOT just ourselves but those around us and we DON'T look at other people and cast stones based upon “Differences” and “Distinctions” of any kind! We empower ALL and lift up those having difficulties or who have stumbled, I am my brothers keeper...a man of love does NOT leave his brother lying in the street with a broken leg because of “Differences” and “Distinctions” for a man of love who does this has NO love NOT only for himself but for others!

It's about “Quality” and NOT “Quantity”.

It's about “Metal” what is strong and what is weak?

It's about “Progress” and “Growth”!

4. You are Conquering Yourself -

We think when we reveal the “chinks” in our armor we are exposing our self and being vulnerable and open to attack!

We think to reveal the deep, dark secrets of ourselves once again we are vulnerable?

Conquest of the world is “Conquest of the Self”, when we conquer ourselves the “Chinks” are patched because they are illusions, we have NO “weak spots”! Disassociation tells us we are being weak but True Strength comes from within and is NOT one of force but one which flows and knows how to bend in the wind!

A patient does NOT need a doctor when he has healed the scars of the past, this includes the deep, dark secrets hiding in a heart. If exposed this does NOT create weakness! If your friend (who is of the light) knows about your theft, your indiscretion with the UPS man, your cheating and swindling the insurance company, your drug addiction, what we hide if exposed does NOT create weakness and vulnerability! If a man of light, a man reborn and renewed hears of your misdeeds he understands and has NO judgment for he has made his own errors, his own mistakes and his own misdeeds! How can one judge another and NOT be without judgment himself?
Remember when you “point a finger” got three pointing right back at you!

5. You are the “Mystery” -

A FREE Spirit contemplates NOT the significance of its creation, the who and the how, but the “Why” and “What for”?

When you go BEYOND the “Veil of the Ether” seeing, understanding and knowing “why you run across the plains like a wild horse”, you understand the enigma of the “why” and “what for”!

It is NOT just understanding that you are a soul having a human experience, it is understanding the entirety of it's existence from beginning to end you have transcended every shade of reality and every aspect from the lowest to the highest and everything in between expanding beyond the world of worlds and transitioned a thousand life ages of the the universe the enigmatic play of which is ever unfolding and created in each moment you die and yet are reborn, you, human are a machine for traveling, transitioning and transcending a platitude of multidimensions and beyond, NO “Label” or “Definition” applies to “You” DEAR READER, we can only understand our own “Mystery” for the vastness of our experience keeps us focused within the realms of heart and spirit, NEVER alone but always questioning it?
Are you the “Player”, playing at “Enigma” or the “Enigma” at “Play”?

For more information or to read more visit our website, or to buy a copy of "Personal Dynamics I" or for "Wellness Coaching" take a trip here for more good stuff!!

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Wokring with the Daily Aspect Grid

Hello Friends, we're going to begin working with the (Daily Aspect Grid), I'm very excited about this as this grid (and you will soon see) is highly sophisticated and holds a wealth of knowledge and insight if we just tap its potential!!
As we know it already "Personal Dynamics" is a combination of (advanced neurosciences, advanced psychology, quantum mechanics, universal process, metaphysics, spirituality and cosmic laws) which we use for "Personal Development".  This system may appear as "Rocket Science" and though it may seem complex it's rather elementary once we catch on to the basics.

The grid and its corresponding system is highly sophisticated and complex but working it will be simple.  It's a good idea to make a couple copies of the grid as we will be filling it in and making some adjustments and notations on it.

Understanding "HOW" some of these processes really work will be seen/realized/discovered in working with the (Daily Aspect Grid) and remember My Friends you DON'T have to be a rocket scientist to see this stuff and understand it, it's NOT complicated as you'll see soon enough!

Daily Aspect Grid
(Cornerstone or Foundation) 


This is what we are "attracting" through the "Law of Attraction", remember this is a "Cosmic Law" so it works whether you believe in it or not!!  For good, bad or indifferent situations, issues, challenges, etc you will continue too attract and manifest these scenarios, issues and people until you master the "Law of Attraction" and its principles.

This is the process through which we grow as souls, when we self actualize we grow, we learn, we expand.  

The actual "Center of Singularity" where stuff appears in our lives.  Remember friends it's not always (Physical Objects) or people...manifestations can be ANYTHING from that raise you've wanted to winning a prize in a contest, manifestations come in many forms!!

This is the process through which we grow it is applying the (tools),(techniques), (apps) and (principles and standards) of "Personal Dynamics"...remember this is physics in a nutshell and the more you understand the laws and how they work the more you master the physical world!!

This is the (Base Form) of the Daily Aspect Grid, it's based upon the principles of "Personal Dynamics" so as we reveal the various aspects of it and how it works, you'll SEE how this stuff forms in your own lives as long as you have awareness you CAN'T loose!

What's going on internally

The manifestations of our "Internal World"

Within the areas of (Attraction), (Actualization), (Manifestation) and (Transformation) we see (Inner Aspects) and in the (4) corner sections we see (Outer Aspects) close attention here because we're going to reveal HOW the stuff we're dealing with on the outside has a direct connection to what's going on on the inside and vice versa.  Outside affects inside and vice versa as we'll soon realize.

The (4) Realms or Quadrants are (Fire) = (Space), (Earth) = (Matter), (Air) = (Time) and (Water) = (Energy).

(Fire) = (Realms of Spirit) which transcend all space!!  
(Earth) = (Realms of Matter) which governs the physical world.  
(Air) = (Realms of Thought) which transcend the effects of time.  
(Water) = (Realms of Emotion) which is a manifestation of energy regardless of its polarization.
When we "Align" ourselves with something (regardless of the "right" or "wrong" of it) we may not realize it but the decision may be based upon our highest morals, ethics and values, but as we'll soon see what we align ourselves with often relates to a particular "issue" we are struggling with in our life be it (personal or otherwise) ie a family issue, financial issue, etc.

The more of our issues we see and realize (as we look at what we're aligning ourselves with) the more we'll see how to two correlate and are interrelated too each other!!

For Instance:

A client of mine had (aligned) herself to taking on the health industry, to address certain practices and procedures she had realized in the medical establishment.  As she soon realized this was a direct result of certain errors and issues she herself had experienced when dealing with the healthcare practices of her own doctor.  The cause was very dear to the client but as she struggled to bring not just awareness of these practices but change she noticed changes in her own health.  Initially this caused a lot of difficulties in her life, but as she created/effected change she soon began to see that the more change or awareness she created the better her own personal health became.

When we align ourselves with various causes, movements, etc there is often a direct manifestation in our life, learn to be aware and pay close attention to what's going on in your life.

In your "Personal Development" log, work book or journal do the following:

Jot down any (issues) personal, family or otherwise you or your family are struggling with, this would be (Column One) (Issues)

(Column Two) are what you (align) yourself with, it can be a cause or movement.  It doesn't have to be some grandiose cause necessarily it can be something as simple as dealing with that nosy neighbor of yours to the neighbors dog that doesn't stop barking at night.  Causes or movements we (align) ourselves can be small issues usually to the big stuff.


Saturday, February 6, 2016

Personal Dynamics...It's About YOU, Your World, Your Universe!!

Excerpts from "Soul Dynamics"

Before I even set foot out on this path which lead me to Omaha, Nebraska I contemplated and reflected upon the events which had lead me too Carol, Iowa where disaster struck!  I wondered and analyzed about everything (from the events and situations which had preceded leaving Cal City to the trip and landing in Carol and "WHY" it fell apart?)  

I wondered if this whole scenario had been in preparation for what had/has been transpiring here in Omaha and "WHAT" was it God was trying to reveal to me here? 

Who could I help?

Lastly the purpose, the reason, the "WHY" behind it all?

We are ALL born with a "Universal Love" inside of us, but as babies and infants it is difficult for us to express this LOVE, we are innocent in all of our creation and understanding, but the soul is still getting use to the whole concept of this world as it is NOT our "True Nature" to be hemmed up and imprisoned in a physical body, this is contrary to (who and what) we truly are.

 We come to this world (to learn and to grow, to expand in our soul evolution, our soul progression and learn "HOW" to distinguish between "LOVE"=TRUTH and "fear"=FICTION/Illusion.  We come to work out our Karma and expand our horizons as souls and grow in our own divinity, this is truth.)

We arrive and grow up and if we fall asleep we loose sight of the "True Objective" as we come to learn we must get an education, find a job, maybe get married and buy a house with a white picket fence, have a couple kids and even get a dog named "Sparky".

These are outside manifestations, they are a mere fraction of the "Real Objective" as souls or in more simplistic terms the "Good Stuff" as souls we have come here to learn.  I like to refer to this place as "Schoolhouse Earth" as a wise one once said to me and from a teachers point of view as well as an analytical and logical point of view it completely makes sense when you take a look at it for what it really is.

We'd like to think that this "Outer Stuff" is IMPORTANT, but that's BS, DEAR READER, the "Good Stuff" is what we learn and take with us!  You see ALL the material stuff you accumulate here, it's just "stuff" and is immaterial, pointless and has NO real value.  It may have a "Material Value" but even the most expensive diamond ring, house, car or whatever else you can imagine has "0" value from souls point of view.  

Items which have a "sentimental value" have a deep "Soul Connection", but if we fail to capture the meaning behind the sentimental connection then the meaning of the item is lost!

You see, DEAR READER, the "Greatest Value" I've come to find is in our special connections with other people and what they REVEAL to us those "BARRIERS" we've built/erected to the "Universal Love" we ALL wish to reclaim!

I'll give you some insights and since I like to use myself as an example these secrets I will reveal to you will show you NOT only the lesson="Barrier" to "LOVE", but the VALUE of realizing the "Lesson" for what it is and what Universe is trying to teach you!

There is a woman here at the center and because of her handicap I made the comment that "She walks like a penguin", I felt a strong urge to tease her and immediately caught myself!  I realized just HOW ugly NOT only my comment was, but this urge to want to tease her was and I immediately felt disgusted with myself, I felt guilty and ashamed, I wanted to belittle and tease this poor soul for what reason?

I contemplated the whole scenario that night as I lay in bed looking at it and meditating on it and then I recalled a memory of when I was younger.  I'm a strong visual learner, I just had trouble concentrating and I had a tendency to analyze everything!  because of this the school, my teachers and such thought I was mildly retarded and had a learning disability and because of that I had been teased, picked on and bullied in elementary school which had wounded my soul and left scars upon my heart of which I had deeply buried this pain, these wounds!

The woman had revealed this ugliness inside me, that part of me that had been buried, which needed mending, needed healing, it was a 'BARRIER" to "LOVE" I had built/erected to LOVE and I was so fortunate and glad to have it thrown in my face and revealed for what it truly was!

DEAR READER you DON'T know how comforting, HOW powerful it is to bear your soul and the power it gives you, power of which ONLY those who have done the same can understand and truly appreciate!

"WHAT" was it God was trying to reveal to me here? 

(The "BARRIERS" I had built/erected to LOVE/TRUTH!)

Who could I help?


Lastly the purpose, the reason, the "WHY" behind it all?

(to learn and to grow, to expand in our soul evolution, our soul progression and learn "HOW" to distinguish between "LOVE"=TRUTH and "fear"=FICTION/Illusion.  We come to work out our Karma and expand our horizons as souls and grow in our own divinity, this is truth.)

Thank you, Colleen for showing me the TRUTH!!