Thursday, November 26, 2015

Personal Dynamics...It's About "YOU", Your World, Your Universe
Origins of "Hate" Part II
How the "Best Intentions" turn into the Worst Atrocities!!

I recently arrived in Omaha, Nebraska a thriving metropolis of "True Liberalism" and NOT the "Socialist Nonsense" being purptrated by the nay sayers of purported "Lisberalism" like "Melissa Harris-
Perry" who want to OUTLAW brown paper bags because they might offend people.  Seen here below

Melissa Harris-Perry

or the "Radical Feminism" spread by "Camille Paglea" who blames "Transgender People" for the DESTURCTION of humankind!


This is sheer and utter nonsense and NOT "True Liberalism" but more a "Sociopathic/Psychotic Dycotomy" of utter stupidity, ignorance and plain insanity!

So I was invited to a Thanksgiving Dinner" being held at the (Bellevue Christian Center) located at (1400 Harvard Dr., Omaha, Nebraska 68005)

The dinner was quite EXCELLENT made in the kitchens of the peoples homes, that's NOT what the "issue" was, the issue is that once more I found myself mingling once again with "Potential Promoters" of "HATE"!

There was a woman who had rode on the bus with us to the center and upon our arrival we sat down and they served us our meal which was EXCELLENT as I stated earlier. The woman (from the church) seemed VERY INTENT on "interviewing" the woman who was sitting next to me, kind of reminded me of a "Gestapo Agent" PROBING FOR "INTELLIGENCE", the womans diatribe was calm but I sensed a "Forced Energy" behind it, she was "Probing For Information" and that's what piqued my interest.

You see, DEAR READER, when I had the stroke in 2010 God gave me some incredible tools to fight "HATERS" and other "PROFITERS or PURPETRATORS" of "EVIL", among these abilities is INCRDEBILE "discernment" and "understanding", I both KNOW/RECOGNIZE "Friendly Chit-Chat" from an "INTERROGATION" though the woman who sat next to me wasn't able to see "IT" (meaning the conversation, for what "IT" was) as she was enchanted by the whole splendor of the evening, a nice hot meal and the womans disarming demeanor. 

I on the other hand am quite "Hyper Vigilant" and can spot a "HATER" a mile away and can easily discern "Friendly Banter" from "Gathering Intelligence" like a spy!

Initially the conversation was just chit chat, but what got my interest was when the woman (from the church asked) "What 'TYPES' of people stay at the shelter?" Now I DON'T know about you, DEAR READER but there are NO "Types" of people in my book, people are "PEOPLE" and I am "ABOVE and BEYOND" the whole racial, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion thing, disability and age thing, I SEE "ABOVE and BEYOND" ALL of that as we're ALL the same at the "Qunatum Level"! When someone uses a word such as "TYPE" in reference to "People" they are making a "DISTINCTION", this is "Lower Vibrational" thinking and I recognize it the moment I hear it for what it is, so I got OVERTLY "CURIOUS" upon hearing those words which made me want to listen in even more closely. The woman from the church then asked, "what are their 'POLICIES' about people staying there?" The woman sitting next to me replied..."There's NO 'disicrimination'." The woman from the church had a "Matter of Fact" look upon her face as if she had got the information she was looking for!

These FACTS are the beginning of the "Origins of HATE" and when it rears its UGLY FACE it can settle in any city or community like a cancer and begin to ROT the people who live there in. "HATE" is one of the BLACKEST of negative emotions, it can tear ANYONE or ANYTHING apart even when a person or group of people or "congregation" espouses it for the sole purpose of "trying to save people" simply based upon their DISTORTED beliefs, after ALL "Adolf Hitler" killed (6,000,000) people and they were ALL NOT (Jews), but (Russians, Eastern Slavic people like Poles, Hungarians and Romanians) but he also was responsible for the deaths of numerous (Gypsies), (Gays), (Lesbians), (Transgenders) and people who were either (disabled or had mental illness). 

Hate comes in many "FORMS" and has many "APPEARANCES" and sometimes those things humanity trie to impliment with the "Best Intentions" can turn into the WORST ATROCITIES the world has ever seen!



Saturday, November 14, 2015

Personal Dynamics...It's About YOU, Your World, Your Universe

Issue #8
What is "Eccomantic Instruction"?

To understand the basics about (Eccomantic Instruction) make sure you've seen the videos on "Quantum Interconnectedness" and "Frequency Machines", if you haven't seen these videos yet, you probably won't be able to grasp the basic concepts behind the principles of "Eccomantic Instruction".

The basic concepts behind "Eccomantic Instruction" are how to "feel/hear" color, how to "see/feel" sound, have you ever had a conversation with a rock?  These are just some of the concepts behind "Eccomantic Instruction".

Some of the lessons/concepts we'll be covering are:

(Psychic Abilities) -

What is "Pinging"?

"Pulse Modulation" and the "Psychic"!

Are "Psychics" more like "Weathermen"?

What does "Telemetry" mean to a "Psychic" and HOW does it work?

(Working with the "Law of Attraction") -

How to work with the "Law of Attraction" and manifest MORE EFFECTIVELY! 

Better manifesting with the "Law of Attraction"!
(Working through Quantum Interconnectedness) -

Exploring "Quantum Interconnectedness" and HOW this quantum theory works with the "Law of Attraction"!

These are just some of the topics we'll be covering in the online classes.

With your participation includes access to ALL relevant content, class participation online and ALL instructional materials.

Please support the (Institutes) work as we are only supported through your donations or purchasing books, etc.

Personal Dynamics I
$12.95 + $2.95 shipping/handling

Please contact me by way of email to purchase/reserve your copy today.



Personal Dynamics...Its About YOU, Your World, Your Universe

Issue #7
Frequency Machines - Vibration - Quantum Interconnectedness...It's ALL about YOU and the Universe

We are ALL "Energetic Beings" expressions of a HIGHER ORDER of intelligence and expression who experience everything through "Vibration">>>

Now this video is just "watered down" physics, but when you open yourself up to these possibilities you awaken to your TRUE POTENTIAL!!

The MORE we awaken the MORE we raise our vibrational rate and become the TRUE BEINGS we are inside and out, to reclaim our inherent "Birthright"!!

Visit this website for reading>>>

You can watch this video about it>>>

To find out more information about this please pick up my book, the first in a series of (24)>>>

Please email me to request or reserve your copy>>>

 Leornardo Di'Vinci said..."Learn how to see, realize that everything is connected to everything else."

How do we "SEE" the way the Universe wants us to "SEE" read the book to begin to learn how!


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Personal Dynamics Issue #5

Personal Dynamics...It's About "YOU", Your World, Your Universe


Telara Sky DPD
Author, Speaker, Eccomantic Instructor

Issue #5

Your "Holy Book", Do you know it?

In today's issue we're going to take a LONG HARD LOOK at a particular "Holy Book", the "Bible".  This is NOT a "Bashing" of "Christians" or ANY other denomination so PLEASE withhold your comments for the appropriate would be "Bashers" out there as I ONLY have a mutable, amicable "LOVE" for my "Christian" brothers and sisters out there. 

I recently tried to help someone who has a serious illness by referring her to a very dear and close friend of mine, but was appalled when she turned down the offer, "potentially" criticizing my friends "Gift" making it "potentially" something "sinister"?..."something "evil"?

This is NOT a "personal attack" on her or anybody else as I truly care about people (including her) and if they're suffering I ONLY want to help!  If your looking for a "GREAT DOCTOR" the "SPECIALIST" in his field and your doctor ain't cutting it, his treatments ain't cutting it, what he's prescribing ain't cutting it...DON'T "YOU" want to be referred to someone who can take care of the issue?

(See (BELOW) as I'll have MORE to say about that!)  

Now maybe I "interpreted her message the wrong way", but she's NOT the ONLY one, there have been a few of you out there who are quick to throw the "Bible" in my face without being armed with the FACTS!

Being that I do EVERYTHING the "DYNAMIC WAY" because this is how ALL humans should be, (though some of us have forgotten how, have become lazy or are just plain inept and incompetent but there's still hope for you!) I give everyone the benefit of doubt and try to assist anyone to get out of their "Comfort Zones" and "Wake Up" from their "Unconscious State"!

As an educator, author, speaker, instructor and one who knows her stuff, I just CAN'T help but form a rebutle for "misguided souls" who may NOT know the FACTS which shall be presented here and now!

Editors Note: If you DON'T have an old "Bible", get one now, NOT one of those new fangled, versions because how stuff is "worded" is very important and the words themselves are very important and even if a fragment of a sentence has been changed or edited for nefarious reasons it changes the meaning of the whole sentence, so if you're gonna follow along, PLEASE use an old "Bible" one printed BEFORE (2,000)!  Please NO comments about "that's NOT what my "Bible" says." simply because you are using a new "Bible" and as it has been explained already the wording and the context has already been changed for nefarious reasons.  Compare for yourself, look at an old "Bible" from say (20) years ago and a new one printed in the last (5) years and you'll SEE for yourself!)

We ALL have "Gifts", maybe NOT the ability to point our finger at a person and turn them into a pile of ash, but we have ALL been blessed with "Gifts" (from God) and we may NOT have even realized this "skill", "talent" or "ability" is a "Gift"?...a "Gift from God"!

About "Spiritual Gifts" -

I Conrinthians 12:1-11
"Now concerning "Spiritual Gifts" brethren, I do not want you to be unaware, you know when you were pagans you were led astray to the mute idols, however you were led.  Therefor I make KNOWN to you that no one speaking by the spirit of God says "Jesus is acursed", except by the Holy Spirit. 
Now there are a variety of "Gifts", but the same Spirit.  And there are a variety of ministries and the same Lord.  There are a varieties of effects, but the same God who works ALL things in ALL persons.  But to each one is given the mainfestation of Spirit for the common good.  For to one is given the "Word of Wisdom" through the Spirit and to another the "Word of Knowledge" according to the same Spirt; to another "Faith" by the same Spirit and to another "Gifts of Healing" by the one Spirit, and to another the "Effecting of Miracles", and to another the "Gift of Prophecy", and to another the "Distinguishing of Spirits", to another "Various kinds of Tongues" and to another the "Interpretation of Tongues".
But one and the same Spirit works ALL these things, distributing to each one indavidually just as He wills.

What do you think those "Old Testament" and "New Testament" Guys and Prophets are the ONLY ones who can do "Miraculous Things"?

We can ALL do "Miracles" and you may have already performed a few and didn't even realize it.  There are those of you out there who know EXACTLY what I'm talking about as you KNOW your potential.  You are the ones who have "Woken Up", it's the "Unconscious People" out there I'm concerned about, I care about and I'm trying to help!

Tough Love -

I'm talking to "YOU" out there, the ones who let their "Limiting Beliefs", "Social Conditioning" and "Social Bias" keep you locked in the "Land of Egypt", the "Mental, Spiritual and soon to be Physical Prison" the REAL nefarious people of this world are erecting around your ears (or attempting to erect around ALL of us)!

You're the ones who I'm talking too, who I'm showing by your own "Limiting Beliefs", your own "Misconceptions"...that you did NOT do your "Homework" when you throw the Bible in my face.  If you're gonna toss anything in someones face,you'd better KNOW YOUR FACTS! 

If you're gonna be a "Christian" then be a "CHRISTIAN"!  If your gonna be an "ANYTHING" then BE a "SPECIALIST" at it!!  Arm yourself with the FACTS, KNOW YOUR "Holy Book"...otherwise you're just riding the fence, you're "Luke Warm", ie you're being "Plastic"!

If you're going to quote the "Bible" then KNOW IT, front to back.  You CAN'T be "Luke Warm", your either gonna be "HOT" or your "COLD", but there is NO in between.

I LOVE it when people bring to light a passage or verse I didn't know about, I appreciate it and I'm thankful they did that for me.  I DON'T dance around the subject but then my views are shot down get mad, unfriend that person and vindictively move on carrying a grudge.  Is "THAT"mentality "Christian"?

About Prayer -

Prayer is GOOD, NO doubt there but KNOW this, "Prayer" takes care of the "Spiritual Side" of things, keeps your "Spiritual House" in order, but there is an "Action Phase" where we must and it is required to TAKE ACTION in this world.


If you wanted and needed a "Job" and prayed for one, but NEVER went out and looked/applied for a job or submitted a resume, HOW "EFFECTIVE" are you gonna be at getting a job?

It's like in my case I was deeply concerned about a particular bill and kept putting it off, delaying payment thinking "if I short change them I'll loose the money and they'll still shut it off?"  I prayed about it, meditated on it, I took care of ALL the spiritual end of the issue but FOR STALLED the "ACTION PHASE".  

So I told a friend about my concerns..."what can I do, I'm short?"  I pulled out a warning letter..."look they're gonna shut it off in a couple days?"  

My friend looked at the bill, "have you sent them anything?"  

"No I'm short, I DON'T know what to do, I've prayed about it and I got NOTHING!"

"Telara, just send them what you got, TRUST ME, they'll take it, they'd rather get "something" than NOTHING AT ALL, it'll be good, I wouldn't steer you wrong."

I TRUSTED her, I tossed in my "$23.87" for a "$79.87" bill and mailed it off.

Time passed they didn't shut it off, I had another (30) days of service and the world DIDN'T END.  

This is what I'm talking about, "Prayer"is GREAT, but there is an "ACTION PHASE" and we need to as the DYNAMIC, "SPIRITUAL BEINGS" we truly are have to dig in often,roll our sleeves up and get down to the nitty gritty or we're NOT going to be very "EFFECTIVE" at ALL, we'll probably end up loosing our shirt if we DON'T play our cards right!

Use some logic and common sense people, ANYTHING in this world can be "Prayed For", but it requires "ACTION" to MAKE IT HAPPEN!!

I'm NOT saying "Stop" praying, NO, NO, NO, continue to pray and meditate too TRUST it's ALL good. 

But DON'T just "Pray" and when NOTHING happens think God "gave you the shaft".  Take ACTION, "YOU", DEAR READER, are responsible for your life.

One last thing, my friend (Donna McGraph) Miracle Healer, is a GREAT HEALER, I LOVE her to death.  She has a truly AMAZING "Gift" from God.  As she puts it in her own words to "Christians" or anyone else for that matter...
"I work with the energy of GOD and The Lord Jesus Christ and the Christ consciousness."
                                                                    Donna McGraph
                                                                    Miracle Healer

We're NOT "Bogey-Men" people, we're here to HELP YOU.<----PERIOD there is NOTHING "nefarious" about what we do!!

"Enlightenment is NOT the destination, it's the journey!"                        Telara Sky DPD